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One Hour Evaluation                            $50.00     
       During this home visit I will evaluate your dog's behaviors and address any concerns you or your family may have. At the end of the visit I will give you some tips to work with your dog on your own or we may set up further training sessions. 

Three Sessions

-Handling desensitization
-Obedience and Manners
-Leash training
-Behavior modification
-Other concerns your family may have


A three week course with one hour sessions per week. 

     Priced per dog

Six Sessions                                        $250.00



-Handling desensitization

-Obedience and Manners

-Leash training

-Behavior modification

-Other concerns your family may have


A six week course with one hour sessions per week

     Priced per dog

Confidence Training 

-Builds Trust and Loyalty between you and your dog

-Builds your Dog's Confidence 

      ~This has been proven to help anxious and               nervous dogs relieve tension

-Reinforces Obedience Training

-Most important: It's a fun time spent for you, your family and your pup

For more information please contact us

Extra 1 Hour Session                             $75.00     

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